Monday, June 25, 2018

23rd June 2018 Bigg boss Telugu Season 2 Written Update : Ganesh, Kaushal and Nutan Naidu are in ‘Red Zone’

Nani invited Amit as the new chief of the house.

Nani got some information about everything in the house. He got some information about the crying scene in her underlying days. She asked Nani of her pregnant canine. Nani educated her that 7 puppies were conceived. She was mitigated to know this.

Samrat talked about his captaincy. She consequently gave 'love' emoticon to Deepthi Nallamothu. He felt that the prisoners exploited his excellence and circumspect nature and further, he assigned Deepti Sunaina for the captaincy. Nani played a video on Samrat's captaincy as he suspected that he can't settle on his own choices and is extremely artless. Samrat gave the (cool) emoticon to Babu Gogineni. Amit felt certain about winning the hearts of the housemates and be an incredible chief. He gave the 'sickening' emoticon to the Roll Rida. Nani commended Geeta Madhuri for her activity and her feeling of judgment. She said about her contention with Tanish. Nani felt that she is segregated now and again and isn't including in acts that didn't concern her straightforwardly. She felt Tanish has outrage issues and gave the joker emoticon to Roll Rida.

Nani talked about the way housemates treated Deepti Sunaina. A video was played wherein she said Tanish is brilliant, Samrat is moronic, Syamala is inept and that Koushal will leave deliberately and won't keep going long in the house. Nani cautioned her to keep the peace and prompted partners not to spoil her any longer. She gave the 'Mouth zip' emoticon to Koushal and said that she wasn't satisfied with Koushal's clarification in the wake of lifting her.

Koushal communicated his disappointment over (lifting Deepthi Sunaina) issue once more. He felt everybody misread the circumstance. Deepthi Sunaina was pronounced in the protected zone.

Nani hailed Deepthi Nallamothu and Syamala. He requested that they be dynamic in all undertakings. He educated them to remain mindful with respect to each other's moves also and remain as contenders.

Deepthi got a foodie emoticon. She offered it to Ganesh. Syamala got a dribbling face emoticon. She offered it to Amit supposing he is charming.

Nani called attention to at Tanish's outage issues. Tanish shielded himself and trusted that he is simply giving his feelings a chance to out. Nani exhorted Tanish not to take sides amid contentions (alluding to Nutan and Samrat's battle) as he should be a cooperative person. Nani thought Tanish is making separate gatherings (Tanish-Samrat-Tejaswi were viewed as a group a significant number of circumstances together). Tanish guarded himself again and gave the irritating emoticon to Koushal.

Nani felt Ganesh is constraining himself and is dreading something and helped him to remember his value. Ganesh gave the 'scarecrow' emoticon to Nutan Naidu.

Babu Gogineni was pronounced in the protected zone. Nani got some information about his stature in the house. Babu Gogineni talked about his expository nature and how he checks circumstances and acts likewise without making more show in the house. Nani valued his capability in Telugu. He embraced Samrat and valued his captaincy. He gave crotchety emoticon to Tejaswi.

Nani adulated Roll Rida's quiet play. He additionally valued his stripping undertaking. He gave outrage emoticon to Tanish. Nani saw Bhanu getting to be quiet in the house matters than she was at first. He complimented her voice. Bhanu uncovered that she is hurt with a couple of things around. She thought everybody is playing safe as opposed to playing strong. He gave befuddled emoticon to Geeta Madhuri.
Also, Read
[Bigg Boss Telugu 2: 22nd June 2018 Written Update: Amit Selected As The New Captain]

Nani played a video of Nutan Naidu doing clever stretches. Nani helped him to remember his uplifting discourse to Koushal. He gave mediating emoticon to Koushal.

Koushal thought everybody in the house is soiled and defiled. He thought it is unadulterated torment and enthusiastic governmental issues. Nani felt his sentiments are advocated. He gave Punching emoticon to Tanish.

Tejaswi felt hurt about being rebuked for 'group-ism' in the house. She talked about the constrained sustenance and said that she was attempting to pass on her feelings appropriately. She gave messy mouth emoticon to herself.

Nani reprimanded Kiriti for his twofold amusements. He played a video of his twofold models wherein the console Tanish, junk discussed Koushal and his captaincy objectives, pointed the finger at Nutan Naidu for mixing a considerable measure of a show and blamed Nutan for inciting Tanish. Nani called attention to at his conduct with Koushal where he endeavored to disturb his eyes in the captaincy assignment. He cautioned him to watch his conduct. Kiriti shielded himself. He gave star emoticon to Babu Gogineni.

Nani announced that Ganesh, Kaushal and Nutan Naidu are in the red zone.

Watch: Bigg Boss Tamil Latest Episode
Watch: Bigg Boss Telugu 2 Latest Episode Online
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