Monday, August 13, 2018

Bigg Boss Telugu 2: Who Is Going To Eliminate This Week?

Bigg Boss Telugu 2 vote: Who among the six assigned competitors will be spared from disposals? 

After the exit of Babu Gogineni from Bigg Boss Telugu 2, the opposition between the housemates has turned out to be harder. With the best contenders in the show, the assignments and the procedure of disposals will be additionally fascinating here on.

Aug 13's scene had Amit Tiwari and Tanish in the protected zone, while whatever is left of the Bigg Boss Telugu 2 competitors go after the selections. The hopefuls are separated into gatherings of two people and will attempt to persuade Amit and Tanish why they should be in the protected zone.

After long talks and contentions, Geeta Madhuri, Deepti Sunaina, Pooja Ramachandran, Nutan Naidu, Roll Rida fall into the unprotected zone. Amit and Tanish spare Kaushal, Shyamala, Deepti, Samrat, Ganesh from being in the end zone. Be that as it may, Bigg Boss solicitations skipper Tanish to designate another competitor from the ones spared. Tanish selects Shyamala.

As Geeta Madhuri, Deepti Sunaina, Roll Rida, Pooja Ramachandran, Shyamala, and Nutan Naidu are in the week's selections for the disposals, you can spare the most loved competitor from getting wiped out.

Here is the manner by which you can vote in favor of your most loved candidate from getting disposed of. To vote in favor of the Bigg Boss Telugu 2 candidates, you can do it on Google look comfort.

> Search with the catchphrases "Bigg Boss Telugu Vote".

> You see the rundown of the assigned contenders on the screen. Tap on the most loved candidate and you discover a vote meter.

> There is an opportunity to vote in favor of numerous candidates by partitioning the number of votes up to 50.

> Click on the most loved challenges, stamp the number of votes and rehash the same for another candidate on the off chance that you need to vote.

> Do not neglect to tap on the 'Submit' or 'Vote' catch, else your votes won't be considered.

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